الاثنين، 30 ديسمبر 2013



These are some characters I draw it
This is the First time Drawing character in illustrator
It is like popay cartoon character.


مشروع قيمي 

هذا العمل عن الاتقان في الحياة وماهي الآثار السلبية الناتجة عن عدم اتقان العمل .
اشتركت في هذا العمل مع مجموعة من الطالبات وهن ( انتصار الشعيبي- العنود الشهراني -رهف القطب)
وكان من القاء الطفل محمد الشعيبي

وهذا هو الفيديو

وهذا رابط الفيديو في اليوتيوب


Lets Try Our Job

Lets Try Our Job

This is a volunteer work.
I work with my teacher Mr. Labeed Assidmi the graphic designer and pianist
To design the logo.
This project is to children from 8-15 age to clarify what they want to be in the future At Saudi Aramco - Ithre Knowledge


Rabea Tea Campaign 

I choose this product because I want to advertise the fimiliar product promotion in new manner,
First, I asked the people why you drink tea?
The most answers is to take break from the work and relax.
So I focus on this and I want my campaign take off all the stess.

My copywriting is Take A Little TimeOut.
It means take a little break from all stress around you and relax.

My theme is simple and make the feel of refreshing It is about Zeppelin
(Balloon) and the tea bag flying on the sky.
I choose this theme to relate to my copywriting and my concept of take a little timeout from all the stresses around you and relaxing.

The target audience is all people who like drinking tea and the stresses people. It not related to sacific gender It is for both women and men.

I make my campaign in the university so my target audienc is the students- structures and all the people in the university but I focus in the stress student in the college.

my media is 
billboard ( posters)
Direct mail
Package for the tea
Photo for social media ( instegram)



Native American Culture

I focus in the feather of the native american.
Why they put it in their heads?
and I search a lot then I find every feather have a story.
The Main Purposes:

First Feather For Maturity 
Yong indians were sometimes given  the first feather  as symbol recognising  their acceptance in to the tribe. The first feather didn't need to become through an act of bravery.

Second Feather For Bravery
Like fighting off a bear or going up against the enemy.

Gold Eagle Feather
Receiving a feather from an eagle is treasured gift because of the significance of the eagle.Its most rewarding items because they believe that the eagles have special connection with heaven since they fly so close. also, they believe that the eagle is the leader of all birds. 

This is a souvenir from Native American

I choose the carving in the wood technique to reflect the hard and tough life of the native american culture.



Design a (front cover  page) of a tabloid newspaper. The design is contemporary, where fonts, color, space, form and graphic marks are a reflection thereof. 
I use the fonts thats developed for the modular arabic typeface project only in the mastheads . For headings, body copy and subheads use a Calibri fonts. 

This is the Grid 

 This is the Newspaper Design

WPAP Art Magazine

WPAP Art Magazine

This is the final project for Production Course.

(Wedha's Pop Art Portrait) is a style of illustration portrait famous figure. Dominated from plane of flat color front, middle and back to create dimension. Formed from strong imaginary lines, create the position and proportion face shape remain the same as the original portrait with creative tracing process that not refer 100% on what is in trace.

This is the magazine

السبت، 9 نوفمبر 2013