الجمعة، 23 مايو 2014


some pass through your life, they stain your path with memories. The images of a place you once shared gets stuck in your mind, the echo of their voices speaking words you’ll never forget and forever they’ve imprinted your soul, you see their reflection in it’s light and you witness the shadows of darkness in the absence of theirs.
some cross your path forcing you to change your way. Some take you along a different road.
And some.. Just pass by.

The ideology of our concept
The instillation was inspired by a poem of the poet “Mahmoud Darwish”, along with pieces of writings from strangers that we’ve collected.
In those letters they speak to themselves or to a memory of someone.
The light and shadow is a reflection of the soul in a bitter sweet path off loss, gain and remembrance.

Our collection
Used for their transparency to assimilate a soul, covered up to capture how a soul is folded up inside it’s memories, left only with words of the heart.

A way of expression, words that carry meanings only to those who are willing to release and reflect.

Images that hold their own definition of a person.

used as a symbol of direction though a path.

The journey through the instillation 

The poster

The invitation card




“And if you shall pass by me, take me with you or leave me alone, with out your face, with no trace, take the silence with the words , take the light with the dark. leave no absent mark” “Passed” 

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